Max Schloss Endowment for Pain and Palliative Care

Dear Friends and Family,

During this season of thanks and giving, we are reaching out to express how thankful we are for your love and friendship. This December 5th, Max’s birthday, marks the 20th anniversary of what originated as Max’s All-Star Program and has since evolved into the CHIPS Program at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. The program provides comfort and support, as well as pain and symptom management for children with serious or chronic illnesses. This program helps to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of these children and their families.

Many of you also know that we established the Max Schloss Endowment for Pain and Palliative Care at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. This endowment provides direct support to the CHIPS Program, and is a poignant reminder of how far we’ve come to address chronic illness and pain with compassion. This is Max’s legacy and it is making a positive impact on other children every day. Our continued hope is that no child will ever suffer needless pain during his or her illness.

Many of you have asked how to continue to support the foundation since we no longer do a fundraiser. If you are interested in donating, fill out the form below to give directly to the Max Schloss Endowment at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

Thank you for your unwavering support. We wish you all happy holidays and much joy in the New Year.

With love,
Cynthia and Zoe

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Max Schloss
Max Schloss