The David C. Lewis, MD Fellowship in Addiction Medicine

As the only fellowship program in Rhode Island that trains physicians in the treatment of substance use disorders, the David C. Lewis, MD Fellowship in Addiction Medicine is helping to address the great need for physicians trained in addiction medicine. Fellows in this program develop clinical expertise in the treatment of substance use disorders while also pursuing scholarly activities in the areas of research, medical education, or policymaking. We are committed to providing the best possible training experience to the next generation of addiction medicine physicians. One hundred percent of the donations to this fund are used to support expenses related to the training of our fellows and to provide our fellows with additional career development opportunities. To learn more about the fellowship or to apply for it, please click here.

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caring and compassion of Dr. David C. Lewis.

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Richard Lewis

David C. Lewis MD served as Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Community Health and was the Donald G. Millar Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University and was a national leader in addiction medicine for over 40 years. Dr. Lewis was the founding Director of Brown’s Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies and a founder of Physicians and Lawyers for National Drug Policy. He served as Chairman of the Board of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Executive Director of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse and on the Boards of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr. Lewis was a selfless mentor and role-model for numerous thought leaders, policymakers and clinicians in the addiction field.