Ways to Support Bradley Hospital

Bradley Hospital's "Adopt a Unit" Inpatient and Residential Program Funds

A dedicated, flexible fund for each of Bradley Hospital’s inpatient and residential programs allows our staff to address the needs of acute and residential patients as they arise. And of course, each child has their own specific needs that can sometimes be met with a purchase of an item that is simply not in the budget or on the Hospital’s typical purchasing list.

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Adopt a Family

Christopher Benedick Adopt-a-Family Program

Given the economic hardship faced by many of Bradley's patients and their families, we hope you will join the Bradley Hospital department of social work in a special fundraising effort to help us provide families with a joyous holiday season.

Choose “Adopt a Family” from the drop-down menu on the donation form. Thank you.

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Amazon Wish Lists

Bradley Hospital’s inpatient units have partnered with Amazon to create wish lists based on our patients wants and needs. The items on the wish lists were chosen for their educational and therapeutic properties. There are several lists to choose from: the Adolescent Unit, the Autism Unit and the Children's Unit. You can make your choices and have the gifts conveniently shipped right to Bradley Hospital.

Autism Unit

Adolescent Unit

Children’s Unit

Healing Arts Program at Bradley Hospital

Bradley Hospital’s Healing Arts Program works with independent artists to provide a wide range of creative and therapeutic activities that improve and enhance the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our patients. 

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