Our Generous Sponsors

North Star Sponsor

Milky Way Sponsors


Susan O. and David A. Brown


Turchetta & Associates

Big Dipper Sponsors


Amica Logo


Christine and William Carr


Roger and Cynthia Sherman

Hubble Hero Sponsors


Betty and Joe Brito, Jr.


Cox Business


Kate Luckett and
Steve Pasquariello


New England Medical Design


Carol A. Peterson


Tricia S. O’Neil, CFA
Managing Director
Tricia S. O’Neil, CFA

Halley’s Comet Sponsors


Adler Pollock & Sheehan


Joseph L. Dowling, Jr., MD
and Sarah T. Dowling




Jonathan and Carol Feinstein


Rick and Marcy Granoff


Hasbro, Inc.


high purity


Bernie and Kelly Lambrese


The Medical Staff of Bradley Hospital


Murray Family Charitable Foundation


Murray Outdoor Communications


NE Laborers
New England Laborers


Northeast Investment Group


Taco Comfort Solutions


TRAC Builders

Orion’s Belt Sponsors






Bentley Companies


Mark and Tammy Brown


Dave's Marketplace


Delta Dental of Rhode Island




Douglas Lumber


John and Lee Edwards


Harvard Pilgrim Tufts


Hinckley Allen


Pariseault Builders, Inc

Daniel and Denise Wall