Malloy Strong Fund

The Malloy Strong Fund at Rhode Island Hospital provides general support including assisting patients who are having trouble affording their medications and other medical necessities associated with their diagnosis of cancer. Financial distress is often experienced due to high out-of-pocket expenditures during treatment as well as from the necessity of taking time off from work. These funds help to assist patients financially, physically, and emotionally through cancer treatment.

About the Malloy Strong Fund: In 2018, the Lifespan Cancer Institute named a fund at Rhode Island Hospital the Malloy Strong Fund, in honor of Edmond Malloy, Jr., a Providence police officer who was diagnosed with cancer. Ed became central to the lives of many other cancer patients in the Lifespan Cancer Institute. It was Ed who would lift their spirits, tell a joke, and hold their hands even through his own pain. Ed inspired a movement - in and out of the cancer center. His motto of being Malloy Strong “Never Give Up” became a rallying cry, a source of strength and a call to action. Sadly, Ed lost his battle to cancer on Oct 31, 2019. However, his legacy lives on though the work of the Malloy Strong Fund and the cancer patients it serves.

For more information, please contact Jessica Foley at 401-444-0390 or